1. Growing Season
Summer and rainy season
2.Sunlight requirement:
Full sunlight (6-8 hours)
3. Growing Method of Celosia Flower Plant:
- Celosia is grown by direct seed sowing in pots, containers, and flower beds.
- The garden soil should be well prepared and formed evenly. Soil should be aerated, porous with good drainage.
- Before sowing the seeds, soil should be made slightly moist.
- While sowing, the seeds should be mixed with an equal quantity of sand to obtain uniformity.
- For beds and borders, seeds can be broadcasted directly and evenly on soil, and extra seedlings can be thinned later.
- Immediately after sowing the seeds, water carefully with a watering can.
- Planting Distance: 40-60 cm between two plants. The plant can be grown in a 25 cm pot.
- Watering:Plants require plenty of watering.
- Plant care: Rust and rot can be quite severe in Celosia. Affected plants remain stunted and do not flower properly. Spray fungicides like Uthane and Saaf to control infection.
- Bloom time: Flowering takes place in about 2.5 months after seed sowing.
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