1. Best Sowing Time:

Throughout the year..

2. Soil Temprature:

Optimal soil temperature: 10-30°C (50-85°F). Seeds should germinate in 4-7 days.

3. Steps for Seed Sowing Method:
  • Take a seedling tray with medium sized cells & drainage holes at the bottom.
  • Fill the cells/cups with a moist coco-peat medium.
  • Hold the Capsicum seeds on your left palm & sow 2-3 seeds per cell/cup. Since Capsicum seeds are small, avoid sowing them very deep.
  • Place the seeds on the surface of the medium & push each seed a little inside the medium by using pencil tip, so that seeds are not visible on the surface anymore & cover it with more coco-peat.
  • Or make small, shallow depressions on medium with pencil bottom. Put the seed in that depression & sprinkle more coco-peat on the top to cover the seed.
  • Keep the seedling tray indoors till the seeds germinate.

4. Growth Steps of Capsicum Plants
  • Sprouting Stage: Seeds will germinate within first 6-8 days or so & tiny sprouts will be visible. Once seeds germinate, put the tray in an open partially sunny spot near the window. Don’t cover the tray anymore.
  • Cotyledons: The early two leaves will emerge from the second week of germination. These are false leaves called as cotyledons.
  • First leaves: First leaves will emerge above cotyledons at the end of the second week. These are Capsicum's original compound leaves.
  • Seedling stage: Second week onwards, seedlings will start growing into a small plant. At this stage exposé the seedlings to more & more sunlight for leaf growth.
  • Thinning: After the second week, keep only single seedling per cell/cup. Cut off the weak, small & lagging seedlings with a pair of scissors.

5. How to Take Care For Capsicum Plants
  • Sunlight: Capsicum plants require full sunlight in winter & partial sunlight in summer. Therefore, place your raised beds & potted plants according to season.
  • Watering: Water your potted Capsicum plant every day in summer & every other day in winter. Water at the soil near the plant. Use a watering can and make sure that the plants get water in the form of a shower & not by a single flow.
  • Plant care: Always look for the early signs of any insect/fungal/ any other infections. Spray appropriate medicines as soon as any symptoms of such diseases are spotted.
  • Support: Support your Capsicum plant by tying its main stem to a single erect stick buried in the soil near the plant. With this support, your plant will stay upright.
  • Harvesting: Capsicum plant will start flowering at the end of 3rd month. Capsicum can be harvested 70 to 80 days from the sowing of seeds. If proper care is taken. Harvesting season can continue for 4-5 months or more.

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