Best seeds of highest % of germination A pack contains 50 seeds
Daisy is a mainstay in the perennial flower garden with its large white blooms and yellow centers. For warmer climates, sow the daisy seeds directly outdoors into prepared beds in the spring after danger of frost has passed. Sow the wild flower seed on the surface and keep moist. Daisy seeds quickly germinated in house under grow lights, less than 10 days!
Covering planting/soil pots with plastic wrap and spaying seeds with spray bottle of water 2-3 times a day.
Opening plastic wrap occasionally for a bit of fresh air.
Uncovered during daytime, once seedlings growing.
Common name(s) : Daisy, Lawndaisy, English Daisy
Flower colours : -: Pink, White.
Bloom time : Early summer, Late spring
Max reacahble height : upto 60 cm
Difficulty to grow : Easy
A pack contains 20 seeds
Contains 20-30 seeds