Search Result

Lucky Bamboo

( Dracaena sanderiana )

Plant Detail


Bamboo can be grown in water pot or soil pot. Spiral sticks are made after training lucky bamboo stick to grow in curls or decorating lucky bamboo containers. Nodes and internodes are present on the stem, leaves arise from the nodal region. The lucky bamboo plant is easy to grow and does not require much maintenance.


Perfect for all kinds of containers. A wonderful easy-care gift plant!

Care Instruction

 Plant Feed

     Dilute an all-purpose houseplant food to 1/10 the strength directed on the label. Apply monthly to soil-grown plants and every three months to plants growing in water alone.


     Allow soil to dry between thorough waterings or change the water every two weeks.


     All-purpose mix or distilled water.

 Sun light

     Medium Light

Basic Care Summary

When grown in soil, water thoroughly but allow the soil to dry slightly between waterings. Apply a diluted houseplant fertilizer monthly.