Description for Parsley Forest Green Parsley is a mild-flavoured herb, and parsley leaves are often used to create attractive garnishes for a variety of dishes. Rich in vitamins and minerals, the ruffled green herb is a flavourful addition to soups and other culinary delights. Although good old curly parsley is the most familiar, you might be surprised that there are many different kinds of parsley. Parsley is not just a dark green garnish. The leaves are high in vitamins and minerals. I use parsley in soups, salads, and to make a scrumptious green shake of parsley, bananas, maple syrup and water. Parsley is also a good edible landscape plant. This low growing herb makes a good dark green edging for annual annual and perennial flower gardens. Common name(s) : Parsley, Petroselinum crispum(botanical name Flower colours Bloom time reacahble height :Plant Height : 12.0-18.0, Width :6.0-8.0" Difficulty to grow: Easy to grow A pack contains 20 seeds